

Working for Pacific Press®

Pacific Press strives to provide our employees with a great place to work. Pacific Press is a spiritual enterprise and our employees (internal customers) are our greatest asset in accomplishing our mission. Management is dedicated to providing an employee-friendly work environment. We are committed to quality, excellence, and innovation throughout the entire publishing process.

Employment opportunities at Pacific Press are available to Seventh-day Adventists church members without regard to race, color, citizenship, ethnicity, familial status, age, gender diversity, disability, past, current or future military status, or genetic predisposition.

Acerca de Pacific Press®

Pacific Press® Publishing Association es una institución de la Asociación General de los Adventistas del Séptimo Día. Como organización de propiedad de la iglesia y debido a su misión religiosa especial, puede, por ley, aplicar la prueba de calificación religiosa a sus políticas de empleo. Quienes cumplan con este requisito y estén calificados de otro modo son elegibles para ser contratados, promovidos y transferidos sin importar su raza, origen nacional, sexo, color, edad, discapacidad o estado familiar.


Current Job Openings



Pacific Press Publishing Association is accepting applications for temporary workers who can help in the Finishing department and the Shipping Department.  Must be able to work in a standing position for a significant period of time and lift loads up to 40 pounds.  If you are interested in applying, please contact Kirsten Berger,  Director of Human Resources at or 208-465-2568


Pacific Press is seeking a full-time Press Crew Member. Must have a mechanical aptitude, good color vision/perception, and the ability to learn quickly and get along with other employees.  Be able to work in a standing position for up to 12 hours daily and lift up to 50 pounds.  If you are interested in applying, please contact Kirsten Berger, Director of Human Resources, at or 208-465-2568.


Pacific Press is seeking a full-time Finishing Crew Member/Journeyman. Must have mechanical aptitude, ability to work well with others, and ability to work in a standing position for up to 12 hours. If you are interested in applying, please contact Kirsten Berger, Director of Human Resources at or 208-465-2568.


Pacific Press Publishing Association is seeking a full-time Production Member. Must have mechanical aptitude, good color vision/perception, and the ability to work well with others. Must be able to work in a standing position for up to 12 hours daily and lift up to 40 pounds. If you are interested in applying, please contact Kirsten Berger, Director of Human Resources at or 208-465-2568.


Pacific Press is seeking a full-time Bi-Lingual  Customer Service Representative.  Applicants must have strong communication and telephone skills and demonstrated success as a team member.  Proven knowledge of Microsoft Outlook, Word, and Excel is preferred.  Proficiency in both writing and speaking English and Spanish is required.  Contact Kirsten Berger, Director of Human Resources at or 208-465-2568.


Pacific Press Publishing seeks Copy Editor/Proofreader. Applicants must have a thorough knowledge of English grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization with a college degree in English, Communications, or a related field. Ability to work as part of a team and independently. Proven knowledge of Microsoft Outlook, Word, and Excel is preferred. Contact Kirsten Berger, Director of Human Resources, at or 208-465-2568.


Pacific Press Publishing Association is seeking a part-time afternoon Receptionist from 12:30-5:45 PM Monday-Thursday. The receptionist is responsible for answering phone calls, greeting, and signing-in guests, and assisting departments with mailings and other tasks as assigned. Contact Kirsten Berger, Director of Human Resources at or 208-465-2568.

Continúe revisando esta página ya que los trabajos aparecerán en la lista cuando estén disponibles.


Application for Employment


Trabajando para Pacific Press®

Pacific Press se esfuerza por proporcionar a nuestros empleados un excelente lugar para trabajar. Reconociendo que Pacific Press es una empresa espiritual y que nuestros empleados (clientes internos) son nuestro mayor activo en el cumplimiento de nuestra misión, la Administración se dedica a proporcionar un entorno de trabajo "amigable para los empleados" que proporcione una base de empleo estable. Estamos comprometidos con la calidad, la excelencia y la innovación a lo largo de todo el proceso de publicación.

Las oportunidades de empleo en Pacific Press están disponibles para los miembros de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día sin distinción de raza, color, ciudadanía, etnia, estado familiar, edad, diversidad de género, discapacidad, estado militar pasado, actual o futuro, o predisposición genética.

Si tiene preguntas sobre los requisitos y los paquetes de beneficios, comuníquese con nuestro equipo de Recursos Humanos:

Kelly Lewis

Asistente de Recursos Humanos


Current Job Openings


Product Development


Customer Service

Marketing & Sales


Information Technology


Human Resources


Apply Now  

Contact Human Resources

Please contact us
if you have
additional questions:

Julie Nichols

Human Resources Director
P: 1.208.465.2568
F: 1.208.465.2651

Kelly Lewis

Human Resources Generalist
P: 1.208.465.2567
F: 1.208.465.2651


Apply Now | Careers at Pacific Press

For those interested in employment opportunities at Pacific Press, please complete the employment application below and submit it to our Human Resources team.

Download Employment Application

Aplica ya | Carreras en Pacific Press®

Para aquellos interesados en las oportunidades de empleo en Pacific Press, complete la solicitud de empleo a continuación y env?ela a nuestro equipo de Recursos Humanos.

Descargar la aplicación de empleo