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Los Devocionales diarios le brindan mensajes diarios breves, potentes y edificantes, extraídos de una variedad de obras escritas por los adventistas.

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Trust God

If our life were described as a picture puzzle, then we could only see a few pieces at a time and we need to trust that God is working to complete the whole puzzle. Joseph was able to view a few pieces in advance, but he didn?t know what they meant. God gave him a dream in Genesis 37:7, ?We were binding sheaves of grain out in the field when suddenly my sheaf rose and stood upright, while your sheaves gathered around mine and bowed down to it.?

Joseph learned he really had to trust God because his life suddenly took a turn for the worse as those dreams he shared were the ?last straw? in the minds of his brothers and soon they sold him to Ishmaelites. A little later in the story we see the key phrase ?The Lord was with,? and we are encouraged that we, too, can hold on to the I am as we go through life. It is in Genesis 39:2?4, ?The Lord was with Joseph so that he prospered, and he lived in the house of his Egyptian master. When his master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord gave him success in everything he did, Joseph found favor in his eyes and became his attendant. Potiphar put him in charge of his household, and he entrusted to his care everything he owned.? Notice that the key phrase is listed twice. What a comfort to know that God is with us as we go about our lives and serve Him. 

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Suppose you have a goldfish named Bubbles in a bowl that you are keeping on the counter, and every day you flick food into Bubbles?s bowl but do nothing else. Several weeks later you notice that Bubbles looks as though he is swimming in dirty water. You pull Bubbles out and wash him off under the faucet with a tiny brush and special fish soap. Then you put Bubbles back in the same water. Pretty soon he is going to get dirty again. Even if you gave him fresh water, pretty soon Bubbles is going to get dirty again. Yes, he has been washed by you the ?parent,? but Bubbles needs to have some sort of ?filter? that works to keep him and his bowl fresh. If we were talking about us, this means we not only get food and drink in the church potluck line but also spend quality time in Bible studies, men or women?s fellowship events, and engage in quality conversations. It also means a daily relationship with the God who wants to be with us 24-7. No one else can be with us 24-7. 

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Even the Animals

Sometimes it feels as though I am constantly uplifting a prayer. It is a good connection feeling like a lifeline. Others don?t know all the answers, but God sure knows everything. We all want to have a place to call home where we feel love and acceptance. Surely animals do too. In one of Job?s responses to his friends he assures them God has His hand in the life of every creature. Job 12:7?10 states, ?But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.? 

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Joseph, the Father

The experience of Joseph and Mary regarding the birth of Jesus was an act of faith. According to Scripture, before they were married, even though they were betrothed, it was found that she had conceived by the Holy Spirit. Joseph intended ?to put her away secretly? (Matthew 1:19). Then the Lord sent His angel, who said to him: ? ?Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit? ? (verse 20). By the expression ?Do not be afraid,? God wants us to understand that, even though His plans may seem ?illogical? or impossible, nothing is impossible for Him.

Read Matthew 1:18-24.

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A True Foundation

A master builder was about to retire and shared his plans with his boss, who regretted that his exemplary employee was leaving the company. He asked him to build one more house as a personal favor. The builder agreed reluctantly, but he didn?t do a good job and used poor materials. When he finished the house, the boss handed him the keys to the front door and said, ?This is your house, it is a gift for you.? What a shame! Now he would have to live in the house he built carelessly.

In the same way, if we build our lives distractedly and without a true foundation, we will have to deal with the consequences.

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Human Judgment is Erring

There are scarcely two whose experiences are alike in every particular. The trials of one may not be the trials of another; and our hearts should ever be open to kindly sympathy, and aglow with the divine love that Jesus manifested for all his brethren. Christ sometimes reproved with severity, and in some cases it may be necessary for us to do so; but we should consider that while Christ knew the exact condition of the ones he rebuked,?just the amount of reproof they could bear, and what was necessary to correct their course of wrong,?he also knew just how to pity the erring, comfort the unfortunate and encourage the weak. He knew just how to inspire hope and courage; for he was acquainted with the exact motives and the peculiar trials of every mind. He reproved with pity, and loved those he rebuked with a divine love.

Jesus could make no mistake; but human judgment is erring, and may be wrong. Men may misjudge motives; they may be deceived by appearances, and when they think they are doing right to reprove wrong, they may go too far, censure too severely, and wound where they wished to heal; or they may exercise sympathy unwisely, and, in their ignorance, counteract reproof that is merited and timely.

The Lord would have us submissive to his will, and sanctified to his service. Selfishness must be put away, with every other defect in our characters. There must be a daily death to self. Paul had this experience. He said, ?I die daily.? Every day he had a new conversion; every day he took an advance step toward Heaven. We, too, must gain daily victories in the divine life, if we would enjoy the favor of God.

Our God is gracious, of tender pity, and plenteous in mercy. He knows our weaknesses and needs, and he will help our infirmities if we will only trust in him.??Love the Fulfilling of the Law,? Signs of the Times, March 3, 1887.

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Longsuffering God

God repeatedly met unfaithfulness with longsuffering compassion far beyond any reasonable expectations. After the golden calf rebellion, ?God would have been ?just? in putting an end to these rebellious people. Yet he kept on loving, guiding, and delivering them (Exodus 32:10; 33:5).?3 Later, though God?s people repeatedly betrayed and forsook God (Judges 10:13; 1 Samuel 8:8; 1 Kings 11:33; 2 Kings 22:17; Jeremiah 1:16), God continued?over centuries of the cycle of rebellion?to pour out compassion (Nehemiah 9:7?33). God ?being full of compassion, forgave their iniquity, and did not destroy them. Yes, many a time He turned His anger away, and did not stir up all His wrath? (Psalm 78:38). God likewise bestowed undeserved grace and compassion on peoples beyond His covenant people, such as Nineveh. In that instance, Jonah complained that God was too gracious and compassionate (Jonah 4:2)!

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I AM the Lord of the Sabbath

Jesus? answer implied that the Pharisees were ignorant of the Scriptures. ?Have you never read what David did when he and those with him were hungry? David went into the temple and ate the holy bread, which only the priests are supposed to eat.? And He used another example: ?Have you never read that the priests who work in the temple are breaking the Sabbath, but are not guilty because of the work they do??

If it was right for David to eat the holy bread, set apart for use in the temple, when he was hungry, then it was right for the disciples to gather and eat grain on the Sabbath. The priests worked harder on the Sabbath than on any other day, but that was right because their work was to point others to the Lord of the Sabbath.

Jesus made it very clear. ? ?The Sabbath day was made to help people; they were not made to be ruled by the Sabbath day? ? (Mark 2:27). God?s mission in this world is to save humans. So any work done on the Sabbath that is necessary to accomplish that goal does not break the Sabbath law.

Jesus? final point ended the argument. ?I?the Son of man?am the Lord of the Sabbath.? As the Judge, He declared that what the disciples had done was right and acceptable on His Sabbath day.

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Old Wineskins

Trying to combine the rules and traditions of the Pharisees with the teachings of Jesus was even worse. Jesus compared it to putting new wine in old leather bags.

In those days, wine was often stored in containers made of specially prepared watertight leather. When new, these leather containers were soft and flexible, but they got dry and brittle with age. Newly squeezed grape juice would ferment slowly as it aged and create gases that expanded and stretched the leather, causing it to burst if it was old and dry.

Jesus saw that the Jewish leaders with their traditions and rules had become like old brittle leather bags. He said, ?If new wine is stored in old leather bags, the bags burst and the wine is spilled.? Jesus knew there was no way to combine His teaching of faith and love with their rules and prejudices. The truth about God would burst the traditions and teachings of the Pharisees.

The Jewish leaders were stuck in a rut of ceremonies and traditions. Their hearts were like brittle leather bags. Satisfied with the religion they had, they could not accept real faith. Faith motivated by love that purifies the soul could not be a part of their dead beliefs. The living truth of Jesus would burst the old traditions of the Pharisees.

Jesus found His new leather bags among the uneducated fishermen, the tax collectors, and the Samaritans. They were happy to hear the truth of God?s love and share that truth with the world around them.

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Every Person is Tested

Matthew faced the same test that Andrew and Peter did. At a moment of great success?when the nets were full of fish?Jesus asked them to leave it all for Him.

Later, when Jesus asked, ?Even though I sent you out without money or clothes or shoes, were you ever in need of anything?? they could truly answer, ?No. Nothing.?

At some point, every person is tested to see if he or she will sacrifice financial profits and success for a deeper friendship with Jesus. No one can successfully and happily follow Jesus and do His work unless the whole heart is dedicated to it. When people see the sacrifice Jesus made, they will give up anything to follow Him.

When Jesus invited Matthew to join His small group of disciples, it was a major scandal. It offended the religious leaders, those who saw tax collectors as criminals, and of course, the national pride since this man worked for the Romans. The Pharisees used the people?s prejudices to stir up anger toward Jesus.

Meanwhile, Matthew planned a celebration dinner at his house. He invited all of his family and friends, other tax collectors, and social and religious outcasts. Suddenly, there was a lot of interest in Jesus from this group.

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Heal Me, Lord

In 1985, I was first diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis at the age of twenty-seven, and I prayed for healing. I spent many hours in the Bible and in prayer, asking God and pleading with Him to heal me. I was young. Too young to be dealing with debilitating arthritis. I had a two-year-old daughter. I was only six years into married life. This could not be happening to me. So I prayed like the importunate widow (Luke 18:1?8) for healing. The pastor and elders anointed me, but healing did not come in the way I asked.

Our God is so wise. He alone knows our future and what is best for us. He did heal me?not in body but in mind. I found joy in Jesus during a very painful time in my life. He healed my sadness and gave me hope and the ability to see my situation and life in general through His eyes of joy. It took me a few years to realize that God had indeed healed me. But when I did, I rejoiced. Yes, I was still in pain, with swollen and painful joints, but I had peace and joy inside. I saw God using my situation to connect me with my sisters who were in pain, whether physical or emotional. My friends, God does heal!

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Growing Old

As we grow old, we can still show God?s strength. And as we become weaker, we can still proclaim how good and strong God is. Let us not lose heart as we grow old. In the later decades of life, we can still faithfully give our service to God. Many seniors volunteer their time and energy to help feed the poor. Some are involved in distributing diapers to needy mothers. Whatever God is calling us to do, we should do it with all our might. Remember, God is greater than our age, and age is only a number.

Lord, as we grow older, let us still serve You faithfully. When we grow weak, help us to show others Your strength. Through our wrinkles, let others see the joy on our faces that comes only from You. Lord, even when we begin to move more slowly, let us still move for You. May we gladly do Your will until our last breath. So long as we are on this earth, let us live according to Your purpose, for Your glory. In Jesus? name. Amen.

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