
News Releases

Release DateTitleFile Name
 2021-07-06Online Camp Meeting Sale July 11?16 Features Big Discounts2021-07-06 Camp Meeting Sale.docx
 2020-11-18Guide Publishes a Story-based Adventist Fundamental Beliefs Book2020-11-28_What We Believe for Guide Readers.docx
 2020-10-05Pacific Press Distributes Half a Million Signs "COVID-19: Facing the Crisis with Confidence"2020-10-05_Signs Covid.pdf
 2020-09-17Guide Publishes Special Sharing Issue on State of the Dead2020-09-24_Deaths Doom from Guide Magazine.docx
 2019-12-11Marvin Moore Edits 25 Years and 300 Issues of Signs Magazine2019-12-11_Marvin Moore 300th Issue.docx
 2019-10-31Former Pressman Eric Petersen Voted Vice President of Production2019-10-31_Eric Petersen.pdf
 2019-11-06Lori Futcher Named Guide Magazine Editor2019-11-06_Lori Futcher Guide Editor.pdf
 2021-03-31Kids Sabbath School Magazines Return to Subscription Only2021-03-30 Guide online ending.pdf
 2019-07-25Pacific Press® Names Alicia Adams Director of Marketing(1)2019-07-23_Alicia Adams.pdf
 2018-07-31SDA's Believe Book Now Available20180731-SDAsBelieve.pdf
 2017-09-11Dr. Miguel Valdivia Named New Vice President at Pacific Press®20170911-MigValProdDevVP.pdf
 2017-08-03Steps to Christ: Commemorating 125 Years20170803-StepsToChrist_125yrs.pdf
 2017-06-29Honoring Paul B. Ricchiuti20170629-PaulRicchiutiHistorian.pdf
 2017-05-15Ellen G. White and Issues on Social Justice20170515-SocialJustice.pdf
 2017-04-20Premier Breath of Life Bible Studies20170420-BOLBibleStudies.pdf
 2017-03-08Leading People to Jesus for 125 Years20170308-StepsToChrist_125yr.pdf
 2017-02-27Herbert Blomstedt: Maestro, Maven, and Man of Faith20170227-HerbertBlomstedt.pdf
 2017-01-17Guide Magazine Still Leading Kids to Jesus20170117-GuideMagLeadsKids.pdf
 2016-12-07Never Lose Hope: Faithfulness in Castro's Cuba20161207-NeverLoseHope.pdf
 2016-11-21Guide Magazine Special Desmond Doss Issue20161121-DesmondDoss.pdf
 2016-10-27It's Not Just a Game!20161027-NotJustGame.pdf
 2016-10-21Jesus Is Coming Soon!20161021-TellTheWorldRelease.pdf
 2016-07-25Born Yesterday: a Story of Christian Extremism, Courage, and Hope20160725-BornYesterday.pdf
 2016-01-21Pacific Press® names new Guide editor20160121-KatBeaGuide.pdf
 2015-12-21New Vice President for Finance20151221-RobHasFinVP.pdf
 2015-12-03PBS includes The ADVENTISTS and The BLUEPRINT in December Lineup20151203-PBSDecLineup.pdf
 2015-11-04New Board elects Management Team20151104-NewBrdRpt.pdf
 2015-10-13October is Spirit of Prophecy Month20151013-OctSofPMon.pdf
 2015-09-28Pacific Press® offers free devotional app20150928-DevotionalApp.pdf
 2015-09-22Pacific Press® and 3ABN® share the untold story20150922-3ABNStones.pdf
 2015-09-17The Great Controversy sent to thousands of Swahili-speaking households in the USA20150917-SwahiliGreatControversy.pdf
 2015-08-13Unprecedented Response to the One Million Plan20150813-OneMillionPlanResponse.pdf
 2015-08-13Robert Congleton Named New VP at Pacific Press®20150813-CongletonVP.pdf
 2015-07-27Dedication of New Printing Press20150727-RotomanDedication.pdf
 2015-06-15Facing a parent's worst nightmare20150615-ParentWorstNightmare.pdf
 2014-11-13The ADVENTISTS Trilogy20141113-TheAdventistsTrilogy.pdf
 2014-10-06Questions and Answers About Women's Ordination20141006-QA_WomenOrdination.pdf
 2014-09-29The Desire of Ages Breaks All Records20140929-DofA_BreaksRecords.pdf
 2014-07-29A Christ-Centered Message for a World in Crisis20140729-ChristMsg.pdf
 2014-06-24Action affects Review and Herald, Pacific Press Publishing Houses(1)20140624-PubRestructure.pdf
 2014-06-02Landmark Print Run for The Desire of Ages20140602-DofA_PrintRun.pdf
 2014-05-07Proposals for $1 Million Partnership Opportunities Pour In20140507-MillionStreamsResponse.pdf
 2014-04-17Pacific Press® Board Votes to Approve $1 Million Initiative20140417-MillionStreams.pdf
 2014-03-12Pacific Press® Board Appoints New Vice President20140312-NewVPprodLarJoh.pdf
 2014-02-28Are you looking for ways to help your members share Jesus with nonbelievers?20140228-SonOfGodMovie.pdf
 2014-02-06El Centinela® supports Impacto Miami 201420140206-ImpactoMiami.pdf
 2014-01-29Pacific Press® Welcomes New Director20140129-DirectorJChazarreta.pdf
 2013-12-05The BLUEPRINT20131205-BLUEPRINT.pdf
 2013-10-22Pacific Press® Offers Free Book Giveaway20131022-VegAdvantageGiveaway.pdf
 2013-10-17Finleys Co-Author Landmark Evangelism Training Manual20131017-FinleyTrainingManual.pdf
Items 1-50 of 194
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